Third Federal Government Report on Participation: Prof. Dr. Sonia Lippke appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) has appointed Sonia Lippke, Professor at Jacobs University Bremen, to the Scientific Advisory Board. (Source: Jonas Ginter, WfB) ,


September 19, 2019

Every four years, the federal government publishes a report on the situation of people with impairments in Germany. Its preparation is supported by a committee of ten renowned scientists from various disciplines. The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) has now appointed Sonia Lippke, Professor of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine at Jacobs University Bremen, to this Advisory Board.

Prof. Dr. Sonia Lippke is an expert in the field of health and disability pensions, i.e. the participation in the labor market of people who are unable to participate in the mainstream labor market due to health restrictions. She is also researching social participation and involvement. Participatory research is still a young field of research that deals with the life situations, involvement and participation of people with disabilities. "I am very much looking forward to the work in the interdisciplinary Advisory Board and to work on the current report, which is of such great social importance," says Lippke.

The Federal Government Report on Participation is intended to help improve the situation of people with impairments in Germany. Hubertus Heil, Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, assumes that the Scientific Advisory Board will identify needs for action and formulate expectations of policymakers. This will help in the development of state measures, he said on the occasion of the Advisory Board's appointment. The report is the third participation report of the federal government. The current report was adopted by the federal cabinet in January 2017 and is used in many areas of politics, practice and science.