Two students tell all: Why young Americans should study at Jacobs University, Germany

,  May 3, 2016 “Jacobs is a little haven of English and internationalism, smack in the middle of Germany,” says Catherine Jacob-Dolan, who grew up near Boston, Massachusetts. “I would definitely recommend it to any independent, motivated, and adventurous student back home.” And Jacob Alexander Zingeser, raised in Atlanta, Georgia, adds, “You can meet wonderful people from all over the world and really expand your horizons and perspective of the world.” The two young Americans attend one of Germany’s top private English-language universities. Until May 6, 2016, prospective students have the chance to speak with an admissions officer and a student at Jacobs University via video-chat and get firsthand information about campus life and student experiences.  “Living in Germany is interesting,” says Jacob, who is in his second year in the Global Economics and Management program. “It’s at the center of the European Union. Also, Germans are a very liberal people who make life accommodating for everyone. Another thing I love a lot about being here is the accessibility to the rest of Europe. Traveling is safe, easy, and pretty cheap.” Born in Atlanta, Georgia, and raised in Niger, Denmark, and Italy, Jacob represents the unique diversity of Jacobs University. Around 1,200 clever minds from more than 100 countries are gathered on the campus of Germany’s most international university. “The student body here is more varied than it is possible to truly imagine. People come from so many different countries, speak so many different languages, and share so many different stories. Sometimes you can learn just as much from the conversations at dinner as in some of the lectures, just from hearing what your peers have to share about their lives and cultures,” says Catherine. The 19-year-old, who is studying Biochemistry and Cell Biology in her first year, also praises the academic standards. The curriculum ranges from natural sciences, mathematics, and engineering to social sciences and economics. Students can earn an internationally recognized bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree, or can take part in predegree programs. “The level of cooperation between the faculty and the students on campus is high,” says Catherine. “Our professors are often so much more than just lecturers; they are always there to help the students in any capacity that they can, and there is a good back and forth between the students and the teachers.” Different than in the US, Jacobs offers a three-year degree program as is the norm in Europe. “There is not as great a difference between the newest and the oldest students, and there is barely any separation between the years. Groups of friends include students from all three years and there is no differentiation. But then again, with only three years, it is all over so fast – only three short years and you’re graduating. It’s crazy and it’s wonderful!” says Catherine. “It’s a small university and students take their studies seriously. I feel like people push each other to do their best. This is pretty invigorating for a student,” Jacob believes. “It takes no small amount of courage to pack up and move across the ocean to Germany, but for anyone brave enough and curious enough to do it, there is no end to the rewards that Jacobs can offer,” Catherine says. “You’ll meet some of the best people you’ll ever know at a wonderful and challenging university.” Admission to Jacobs University, however, is highly selective. It is based on a candidate’s academic and social achievements. Applications should be submitted by July 1, 2016, via CommonApp. More information about the admission process and the financial assistance program will be given during the video-chat Counseling Days until May 6. Prospective students can register online at Appointments for the video-chat are limited and will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. Additional information and registration at:  Questions will be answered by:Aylin Berktas | Online Marketing and Student Recruitment Officera.berktas [at] | Tel.: +49-421-200-3196