Two students tell all: Why young South Koreans should study at Jacobs University, Germany



May 4, 2016

“Studying at Jacobs University is extremely tough, yet rewarding all the more. There are professors that give you an in-depth view into what your future may be like and teachers who can guide you into finding what it really is that you want to do,” says Jong Chan Lim from Yangju-si in Gyeonggi-do. And Eunhae Kim from Seoul adds, “Living here is really interesting. I can see and learn about the bigger world.” The two young South Koreans attend one of Germany’s top private English-language universities. From May 9 to May 13, 2016, prospective students from South Korea have the chance to speak with an admissions officer and a student at Jacobs University via video-chat and get firsthand information about campus life and student experiences.  “I was attracted to Jacobs because of the international community and smaller university experience,” remarks Jong Chan Lim, who is studying Biochemistry and Cell Biology in his first year. “Life from the beginning to the present is hospitable thanks to the welcoming community. I have made friends very easily; they are ever-supporting and have made my Jacobs life so far unforgettable. From exciting lab days to cooking together on the weekend, there is never a dull day.” Around 1,200 clever minds from more than 100 countries are gathered on the campus of Germany’s most international university. Eunhae Kim, who is studying Engineering and Management in her first year, came to Jacobs because her college counselor strongly recommended the university. “Naturally I miss my family,” she says. “But we have a host family program here. My German family cares a lot even though I live on campus. I have made friends from many countries and I love my studies. A lot of friends in South Korea envy this program.”   The curriculum at Jacobs University ranges from natural sciences, mathematics, and engineering to social sciences and economics. Students can earn an internationally recognized bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree, or can take part in predegree programs. “When I had my first class at Jacobs, I was surprised that many students were asking the professors questions,” says Eunhae Kim. “At home it is unusual for students to do that, but here students from all over the world exchange their thoughts. And we are doing an internship in the fifth semester. That is really special.”   Jong Chan Lim has spotted another difference. “The study program is three years as opposed to four at home, so the studies are much more condensed and faster-paced. However, there is also much more practical knowledge and preparation for a career here alongside lectures.”  Eunhae Kim and Jong Chan Lim both recommend studying at Jacobs University. Jong Chan Lim states, “For someone like me, who believes globalization is a key player in the world today, Jacobs is a great incubator. The international community prepares one in understanding cultures and different ways of communication or perspectives. The opportunities in networking sends students out all over the world, not just cooped up in one place.”  Admission to Jacobs University, however, is highly selective. It is based on a candidate’s academic and social achievements. Applications should be submitted by July 1, 2016, via CommonApp. More information about the admission process and the financial assistance program will be given during the video-chat Counseling Days from May 9 to May 13. Prospective students can register online at Appointments for the video-chat are limited and will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. Additional information and registration at: Questions will be answered by:Aylin Berktas | Online Marketing and Student Recruitment Officera.berktas [at] | Tel.: +49-421-200-3196