U-Multirank 2019: Jacobs University Bremen is at the top in Germany

(Source: U-Multirank) ,


June 13, 2019

Great success for Jacobs University! In the international U-Multirank university ranking, the private university in Bremen, Germany, received the best ratings, together with the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management. In terms of the international orientation of its study programs, Jacobs University ranks among the 25 best universities in the world.

, In terms of the international orientation of its study programs, Jacobs University ranks among the 25 best universities in the world (Source: Jacobs University).

The independent U-Multirank university ranking, initiated by the European Commission, comprises more than 1,700 universities from 96 countries, including 107 German universities. It compares the universities' achievements in the categories of teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional commitment and evaluates them with grades – this year in the natural sciences and engineering subjects.

Jacobs University and the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management scored top marks in 14 indicators, followed by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (13), the Technical University of Munich (11), the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (11), the Technical University of Hamburg (10), the University of Stuttgart (10) and the Humboldt University of Berlin (10).

Jacobs University scored particularly high in regards to its internationality. With students from 111 countries, it is one of the most international universities in Germany. Its academic staff is also internationally active. Stays abroad are part of the teaching programs, there are exchange programs with many universities worldwide, and the language of instruction is English. "We experience our internationality as a daily enrichment, also as an impulse for reflection and an extension of our own horizon," says Professor Michael Hülsmann, President of Jacobs University. Top marks have also been achieved in areas such as external research revenues, the number of patents or interdisciplinary scientific publications.

The U-Multirank is one of the largest and most comprehensive rankings in the world. It allows users to create their own personalized rankings based on individual performance indicators.


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