Virtual Open Days: Welcome to Constructor University

(Source: Constructor University) ,

December 1, 2022

On December 7 and 8, 2022, Constructor University virtually opens its doors to everyone interested in studying at the international university in Bremen, Germany. The program consists of various web sessions about study programs, scholarships, the application process and more. Registration is requested.

At Constructor University, students from over 110 nations study in an English-speaking environment and benefit from a close-knit campus community. The university’s top-ranked study programs, individual academic advising, and early research involvement prepare students for a successful international career. The Virtual Open Days give interested students the opportunity to explore Constructor University online – from the comfort of their homes.

The program offers individual web sessions about undergraduate and graduate programs, the International Foundation Year – a one-year academic preparatory program - as well as scholarships and financing options. Instagram Live sessions will give prospective students a glimpse of the facilities on campus and insights to life in the colleges. Participants also get to experience lectures on topics like Microbiology, Economics and International Trade by Constructor University professors and receive a certificate. In between there will be the opportunity to meet current students, and to talk directly to an admissions counselor.

Each session lasts about 20 to 30 minutes and offers additional time for questions. Some sessions are offered more than once to accommodate different time zones. After registration, participants will receive the access links for each individual session.

More information and registration:

About Constructor University:
An international community, vibrant and diverse. Offering academic excellence, ensuring the highest standards in research and teaching. Empowering students to solve the world’s pressing challenges through knowledge and science: Constructor University is a top-ranked, English-speaking, private university. Founded in 2001, it provides a wide range of 25+ academic programs, and PhD. The Constructor ecosystem, comprises the university, located in Bremen, Germany and an institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Over 1.800 students from more than 110 nations on campus benefit from a unique interdisciplinary, foundational theoretical and practical education, enriched with a buzzing entrepreneurial culture that prepare young professionals to thrive in the job market. With 6.000+ alumni worldwide, our community keeps expanding yearly.
The research-centric faculty projects are funded by the German Research Foundation and the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation as well as by globally leading companies.
Constructor University benefits from partnerships with high-ranked universities such as Carnegie Mellon, the University of Geneva or the National University of Singapore School of Computing, and technology companies such as Anisoprint, JetBrains and ChemDiv.

The Constructor ecosystem is a global institution dedicated to addressing the main challenges of the world through science, education, and technology. Apart from the university, the ecosystem relies on several for-profit entities that provide technology infrastructures and solutions, life-long education programs, consulting services, and funding: Alemira by Constructor, Rolos by Constructor, Constructor Learning and Constructor Capital.
Maike Lempka | Corporate Communications
presse [at] | Tel.: +49 421 200-4504