"Where there is WIL there is a way..."


April 20, 2015

This weekend, Jacobs University hosted the first Women’s International Leadership conference. This student-organized event brought 19 speakers from the UK, Belgium, Germany, and India to the Jacobs campus to share their experiences and ideas with around 200 participants including professors, high school, undergraduate, and graduate students – both from on and off campus.

The conference created a platform for exchanging ideas regarding different career paths, startups, the importance of confidence and collaboration, work-life-balance, and the role of men in the advancement of women’s leadership. The two-day event was a great success and the next WIL conference is already planned for 2016.

In her closing speech of the conference, Siana Bangura, a UK-based feminist blogger, editor, and activist put the motto of the conference in simple terms: "Where there is WIL, there is a way!".