Women's International Leadership Conference at Jacobs University

Theresa Emily Niklas (left) and Cäcilia Riederer are the main organizers of the Women’s International Leadership Conference at Jacobs University. (Source: private) ,


April 20, 2021
Women with decision-making powers are still underrepresented in many areas of society. At the same time, they usually earn less than men on average, also in Germany. Why is that? And more importantly, how can it be changed? These questions are the focus of the Women's International Leadership Conference at Jacobs University Bremen, which is organized and hosted by students. Guests are welcome to attend the online format.

"We want to encourage and empower women to pursue the career and life path they aspire to, regardless of the gender stereotypes we still struggle with," is how Cäcilia Riederer and Theresa Emily Niklas described one of the concerns of the two-day online conference that will be held in English. The two students are the main organizers of the event, which in total involves an organizing team of around 40 students.

The program of the conference, which will take place on May 8 and 9, is as diverse as the problem. Seven international speakers will discuss topics such as gender-appropriate human resources policies in companies, women in STEM subjects and domestic violence. Two discussion panels will focus on women in academia and on "intersectionality", that is the intersection and simultaneity of different categories of discrimination against a person, such as gender, ethnicity, religious belief or sexual orientation. In Campfire Sessions – informal, virtual discussion rounds – participants can exchange ideas with the speakers and interact with each other.  

The Women's International Leadership Conference has been held at Jacobs University since 2015; last year it was cancelled due to corona. Up to 500 people can participate in the online format. This year, the event is supported by the Schaeffler Group and by the Bremen Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Europe. "We are very grateful for the interest in our project and for the support," said Cäcilia and Theresa Emily.

Cäcilia and Theresa Emily are looking forward to a lively turnout. "We think we all have an obligation to stand up for what we believe in and make a difference where we can," Theresa Emily said. And the online format offers a good opportunity for that: "You can learn about feminism while sitting on the couch, ask questions and network," said Cäcilia.

Further information and registration to the conference: