Women’s International Leadership Conference (WIL) at Jacobs University


On April 18 and 19, the student-run Women’s International Leadership Conference (WIL) is taking place at Jacobs University. The aim of the conference is to give women an insight into different professions and to support them in their career management. The convention is organized by an international team of female students who have won support by representative from politics, science and economics for their event. In addition to Anja Stahmann, Bremen Senator for Social Affairs,Children, Adolescents and Women, and patron of the event, the conference is supported by include the Fraunhofer -Gesellschaft and the University of Cambridge. Among the sponsors and partners are companies such as Google, BTC, DMK Group, Via Bremen, dbh Logistics and Dropbox. The UN Women and the Business and Professional Women Club Bremen are also lending support to the organizers. Registration for the conference is open until April 7. April 2, 2015
 The Women’s International Leadership Conference (WIL) offers students a platform for exchange. The event additionally focuses on supporting young talents and prospective leaders. The participants learn how to reinforce and develop their personal and professional competences in a variety of workshops and presentations. At a brunch on the second day of the conference young women get the opportunity to directly establish contacts with the professional world and to build up their own international network. The conference offers a diverse program, raising issues from the areas of politics, economics and technology. This is also reflected by the speakers who come from different professional and cultural backgrounds. Helga Trüpel, Member of the European Parliament, will giv ean insight into the work at the European Parliament, whilst Alice Bentnick from Entrepreneur First encourages participants to pursue a career in the technology industry. Activist Siana Bangura will explain how women in leadership position can present themselves in the right way. Uta Paszkowski from the University of Cambridge, meanwhile, will offers advice concerning the topic of the compatibility of a professional career and family. More information on the Women’s International Leadership Conference and details on how to register can be found on the conference website www.wil-conference.com.  Contact:Naomi PentrelEmail: contact [at] wil-conference.com | Tel: 0049 (0) 421 200 6151