Dr. Samaneh Rashidibajgan
Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
- Security in Opportunistic Networks (OppNets)
- Security in ad hoc networks
- Security, attacks, and solutions in Vehicular Opportunistic Networks
- Security in cyber/physical systems via OppNets
- Doctoral Degree in Information Systems, Cybersecurity, Münster University, Germany (2023)
- Journal Papers
Samaneh Rashidibajgan, Thomas Hupperich, ”Utilizing blockchains in opportunistic networks for integrity and confidentiality”, Journal of Blockchain: Research and Application, 2024.
Benedikt Kluss, Samaneh Rashidibajgan, Thomas Hupperich, ”Blossom: Cluster-Based Routing for Preserving Privacy in Opportunistic Network”, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 2024.
Samaneh Rashidibajgan, Thomas Hupperich, ”Improving the Performance of Opportunistic Networks in Real World Applications Using Machine Learning Techniques”, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2022.
Samaneh Rashidibajgan, Thomas Hupperich, Robin Doss, Anna Förster, ”Secure and privacy-preserving structure in Opportunistic Networks”, Computer & security, 2021.
Samaneh Rashidibajgan, Robin Doss, ”Privacy-preserving history-based routing in Opportunistic Networks”, Computer & security, 2019.
- Conference Papers
Samaneh Rashidibajgan, Thomas Hupperich, Robin Doss, Lei Pan, ”Opportunistic Tracking in Cyber-Physical Systems”, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications , Guangzhou, 2020.
Samaneh Rashidibajgna, Thomas Hupperich, ”A Secure and Reliable Structure in Opportunistic Networks”, In Proceedings of the Annual Information Institute Security Conference, 2020.
Samaneh Rashidibajgan, Robin Doss, ”A New Method for Sharing the Public Keys in Opportunistic Networks”, International Conference on Future Network Systems and Security, 2018.
Samaneh Rashidibajgan, ”A Solution for Prevention of Selective Dropping and Selfish Attacks in Opportunistic Networks”, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pp 30-35, 2017.
Samaneh Rashidibajgan, ”A trust structure for detection of sybil attacks in opportunistic networks”, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), pp 347-351, 2016.
Samaneh Rashidibajgan, Hassan Taheri, Masoud Sabaghi, Mohammad Fathi, ”A New Call Admission Control Algorithm for IEEE802.16 Networks”, International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, Volum 4, pp 361-365, 2010.
2024–now Constructor University Bremen, Germany
Researcher and lecturer
2019–2022 Münster University Münster, Germany
Research and teaching Assistant
2015–2019 Rostock University Rostock, Germany
Research Assistant