General Information
In order to be officially disenrolled from the university, every student needs to complete one of the forms here according to your situation. The purpose of these forms is for the different departments to confirm that you have no outstanding items and for you to provide us with your future contact information. After the form is complete and the departments have signed off you can receive your final documents, if applicable.
Please note that this process can take up to 6-8 weeks and can vary depending on the confirmations from other departments.
Leaving the university before graduation
All students who leave the university before graduation must fill out the Leaving Form.
Students who wish to voluntarily discontinue their studies must cancel their study contract by submitting a Statement of Contract Cancellation to (a physical copy must be sent to Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen (RLH 102), Germany or alternatively submitted in person). The statement must clearly indicate that you wish to cancel your study contract and be dated and signed. The study contract will be cancelled as of the date indicated on the statement. Retroactive cancellations are only acceptable under exceptional circumstances.
*Submitting the Leaving Form does not substitute the need to submit the Statement of Contract Cancellation.
Leaving after graduation
Please complete the online Leaving Form on your Campus Net account.
In order to ensure that your Leaving Process is not delayed please make sure to check your emails often and carefully.
In order to submit your Leaving Form via your Campus Net account please make sure you resolve any holds which may bar your access to your account in a timely manner.
Once your study period has ended you will no longer be able to access your Campus Net account. Please fill out this alternate Leaving Form.
Leave of absence