Co-creating with TeamBaby
Co-creating with TeamBaby- Who can co-create with us?
- Have you been pregnant in Germany over the last five years?
- Have you lived outside Germany for ten years or more?
- Do you speak fluent English?
If you said yes to all questions above then you can take part in our workshops. Please signal your interest to participate by clicking on the button below.
Sign up
Our research is looking to improve the quality of care in Obstetrics. Our current focus is to make the pregnancy journey safer for families with an international background. We are based in Bremen, Germany at Constructor University. We are also part of a European research network called Health CASCADE.
Health CASCADE are a group of researchers tasked with developing a set of guidelines and tools, grounded in evidence, to help researchers work with the individuals and communities that they are trying to help. Our goal is to make co-creation trust worthy and apply it ethically.
We will have SIX online workshops
- Workshops 1 & 2: Share your experiences working with healthcare workers in Germany.
- Workshops 3, 4 & 5: Provide feedback on the TeamBaby web-app.
- Workshop 6: Collaborate on designing the next version of TeamBaby.
You will be reimbursed for your time. Each workshop lasts 60 - 90 minutes.
We will provide a reimbursement for each workshop you attend.
Sign up to our workshops by clicking on the button below
Or scanning the QR code

If you have any questions, please contact us on: teambaby.join@pm.me
You can help spread the word about our workshops by sharing this page and this video that we have put together:
Health CASCADE is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement number 956501. You can find more information about Health CASCADE here: www.healthcascade.eu
You will be reimbursed for your time and have the chance to shape the design for a tool that can help families who have moved to Germany navigate their pregnancy journey. Our goal is to create a safe space for you to:
- Connect with others who have had similar experiences of navigating the pregnancy journey
- Reflect about your communication needs during pregnancy and delivery
- Help us take the first step in adapting TeamBaby for families with an international background
We will have six online workshops. Each workshop will have interactive exercises to help shape a version of TeamBaby that can meet the needs of families that have moved to Germany navigate their pregnancy journey.
Workshop 1
In our first workshop, we will:
- Give you a chance to get to know your facilitators and fellow workshop attendees
- Introduce you to the project
- Collectively build a code of conduct for the next set of workshops
Workshop 2
- In our second workshop, we will give you a chance to share what is important to you when working with health care workers
Workshop 3, 4 and 5
- In workshops 3, 4 and 5, we will give you a chance to tells us what we can improve in the TeamBaby web-app.
You will have a chance to use the app beforehand and then tell us what you think. That is, what do you like, and don’t like and how can we improve it.
Workshop 6
In our final workshop, we will wrap up our journey and you will have the chance to help design something that can improve the quality of care for more families in Germany.
We are ideally looking to start the workshops in October and finish in December. However, we are flexible and we will find a time that works for most of those interested.
No. We would appreciate attendance to all the workshops. However. we understand if you are unable to make it to all six workshops.
Yes, we have ethical approval to conduct our workshops from the Constructor University Ethics Committee. Our ethics application number is 2022_01_B, and for any questions or concerns you can contact our ethics chair at ethics-chair@constructor.university.
To participate in the online workshops, you will need either a computer/ smartphone/ tablet with a functioning webcam, speaker and microphone.
teambaby.join@pm.me) for all questions about the workshops, the TeamBaby web-app, or Health CASCADE.
Please contact our team (