University for Continuing Education Krems: Strategic framework instead of strategy

University for Continuing Education Krems featured image

This webinar is a part of an Innovative Universities Global Webinar Series.

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The University for Continuing Education Krems, also known as Danube University Krems, was established in 1995 and is a leading institution for continuing education in Europe. Situated in Krems an der Donau, Austria, it is the only public university among the German-speaking countries dedicated to continuing education in academia.

Strategic management at universities is often not very effective because strategic guidelines have always been in tension with university autonomy. Hence the results of university-wide strategic discussions often resemble a déjà vu, lack relevance, hardly differ from other universities, and often remain unnoticed in countless brochures. The presentation shows how a ‘strategic framework’ instead of a ‘strategy’ can be used to give university governance a broader perspective in order to combine strategic goals with autonomy. The strategic transformation of the University for Continuing Education Krems will be used to point out how strategy can be effective on many levels.

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Faulhammer Friedrich

Mag. Friedrich Faulhammer

  • Rector of Danube University Krems
  • Friedrich Faulhammer has been the rector of the University for Continuing Education Krems since 2013.
  • He played a significant role in shaping Austrian and European higher education policy, including implementing the Universities Act of 2002.
  • Faulhammer studied law in Vienna and held various roles in the Federal Ministry of Science and Research, eventually becoming secretary-general in 2009.
  • He served as president of the Danube Rectors' Conference from 2017 to 2018 and was re-elected in 2023.
  • Faulhammer is also a board member of several institutions, including the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, IDM, and University College of Teacher Education Vienna.
Professor Isak Frumin
Professor Isak Frumin
"We designed the 'Innovative Universities' global webinar not merely as conversation, but a one-of-a-kind assembly of forward-thinking scholars poised to reshape the educational landscape. This isn't just about what's new; it's about what's next.”
Dara Melnyk
Dara Melnyk
"Currently, there are no seminars exclusively devoted to innovation in higher education. We want to change that. Our webinar series are meant to give both creators of unusual institutions and idea collectors like us a space to discuss what's possible."
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Event details and reservation
This event will start at 10 AM CEST.
Online (Virtual) event