Prof. Stefan Kettemann
"To make the simple complex is common, to make the complex simple is creative" Charles Mingus
My current Research Interests include (Quantum) Phase Transitions, Superconductivity, Anderson and Many Body Localization, Quantum transport, and the stability of Energy Grids
Master of Arts and Science, Washington University, St. Louis, 1990
Ph. D. Max Planck Insititute f. Solid State Research, Stuttgart 1994
Habil., Lecturer of Theoretical Physics, Hamburg University, 2001
World Class University Associate Professor 2009
Post Doc at Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel 1994-1996
Post Doc at MPIPKS Stuttgart/Dresden 1996-1999
Assistant at Hamburg University 1999-2001
Lecturer of theoretical Physics at Hamburg University 2001-2008
Visiting Professor at Sophia University, Tokyo and at Boston University, Boston 2005
University Lecturer of Physics at Jacobs University, since 2008
Associate Professor at POSTECH, since 2009
Research Professor at Jacobs University 2013-2018
Associate Professor of Complex Systems at Jacobs University since 2018
Recently Funded:
DFG Project Thermodynamics and Dynamics of Long Range Coupled Disordered Quantum Spin Chains
BMBF Project CoNDyNet and CoNDyNet2(Collective Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Electricity Grids) in collaboration with Potsdam-Institut fur Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), Max-Planck-Institut fur Dynamik und Selbstorganisation (MPIDS),
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS),
Forschungszentrum Julich (FZJ)
DFG Collaboration Project Long Range Quantum Glasses
DFG-Collaboration Project Tuning Superconductivity in Doped Semiconductors
DFG-Project Spin-Dynamics and Electron Transport in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality KE 807/6-1 3/4 BAR IIA 1 year
WCU ( World Class University ) program through the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Pro ject No. R31-2008-000-10059-0) for 5 years, on emergent materials science
For all Publications see https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XSgj9McAAAAJ&hl=en https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2214-9271 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6701569290
Quantum Phase Transitions and Quantum Dynamics
Y. Mohdeb, J. Vahedi, S. Haas, R. N. Bhatt, S. Kettemann, Global Quench Dynamics and the Growth of Entanglement Entropy in Disordered Spin Chains with Tunable Range Interactions, Phys. Rev. B Letters 108, L140203 (2023).
S. Kettemann, Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Metal-Insulator Transitions in Doped Semiconductors, published in Special Issue in memory of K. B. Efetov, Ann. Phys. (2023).
J. Vahedi, S. Kettemann, Quantum Fidelity of the Aubry-Andre Model and the Exponential Orthogonality Catastrophe, Phys. Rev. B 106, 174204 (2022).
Y. Mohdeb, J. Vahedi, S. Kettemann, Excited-Eigenstate Entanglement Properties of XX Spin Chains with Random Long-Range Interactions, Phys. Rev. B 106, 104201 (2022).
Y. Mohdeb, J. Vahedi, N. Moure, A. Roshani, H.Y. Lee, R. N. Bhatt, S. Haas, S. Kettemann, Entanglement Properties of Disordered Quantum Spin Chains with Long-Range Antiferromagnetic Interactions, Phys. Rev. B 102, 214201 (2020).
D. Aryal, S. Kettemann, Complete Solution of the Tight Binding Model on a Cayley Tree: strongly localised versus extended states , J. Phys. Commun. 4, 105010 (2020).
K. Slevin, S. Kettemann, T. Ohtsuki, Multifractality and the distribution of the Kondo temperature at the Anderson transition, Eur. Phys. J. B 92, 281(2019).
Haicheng Lin, Wantong Huang, Gautam Rai, Yuguo Yin, Lianyi He, Qi-Kun Xue, Stephan Haas, Stefan Kettemann, Xi Chen, and Shuai-Hua Ji, Real-space BCS-BEC crossover in FeSe monolayers , Phys. Rev. B 107, 104517 (2023).
A. Niroula, G. Rai, S. Haas, S. Kettemann, Spatial BCS-BEC Crossover in Superconducting pn-Junctions, Phys. Rev. B 101, 094514 (2020).
Stability of Energy Grids, Dynamics on Networks
Philipp C. Böttcher, Benjamin Schäfer, Stefan Kettemann, Carsten Agert and Dirk Witthaut, Local versus global stability in dynamical systems with consecutive Hopf-Bifurcations, Phys. Rev. Research, 5, 033139 (2023).
Kosisochukwu Pal Nnoli, Fahrudin Delic, Stefan Kettemann, Transient Dynamics and Propagation of Voltage and Frequency Fluctuations in Transmission Grids, IEEE Access 11, 11307 (2023).
Dirk Witthaut, Frank Hellmann, Jürgen Kurths, Stefan Kettemann, Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns, Marc Timme, Collective Nonlinear Dynamics and Self-Organization in Decentralized Power Grids, Reviews of Modern Physics 94, 015005 (2022).
L. A. Torres-Sanchez, G. T. Freitas de Abreu, S. Kettemann, Analysis of the Dynamics and Topology Dependencies of Small Perturbations in Electric Transmission Grids, Phys. Rev. E 101, 012313 (2020).
Philipp C. Böttcher, Andreas Otto, Stefan Kettemann, Carsten Agert, Time delay effects in the control of synchronous electricity grids, CHAOS 30, 013122 (2020).
H. Haehne, K. Schmietendorf, S. Tamrakar, J. Peinke, S. Kettemann, Propagation of wind power induced fluctuations in power grids, Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 99, 050301 (2019).
S. R. Tamrakar, M. Conrath, S. Kettemann, Propagation of Disturbances in AC Electricity Grids, Scientific Reports 8, 6459 (2018).
Recent Lecture Courses:
Advanced Quantum Physics
Advanced Solid State Physics
Condensed Matter Field Theory
Renewable Energy
Applied Ordinary Differential Equations
Network Theory
Principles of Statistical Modeling
Study Program Chair of Data Engineering Graduate Program at Constructor University
Scientific (Co-)Organizer of
International Conference Localisation 2020, Localisation Seminar Series, Localisation 2022 in Sapporo, Japan
Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Seminar (since 2021)
Scientific Coorganizer of Dynamic Days Europe 2024 at CUB 29.7.-2.8.2024
Invited Lectures and Talks
at Jülich Autumn School on Correlated Electrons:Correlations and Phase Transitions 16.-20.9. 2024
at workshop Localization: Emergent Platforms and Current Trends at MPIPKS Dresden 16.-20.9.2024
Referee for Journals such as Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. E, Phys. Rev. X, IEEE ACCESS, Europhys. Lett., Solar Energy, Applied Physics Lett., Phys. Rev. Applied Letters, IEEE Transaction of Power Systems, Nature Communications, Europhys. J. B, European Physics Journal, Physica E, Physica Status Solidi, Annals of Physics, Ann. d. Physik
Funding Agencies such as
NSF, DFG, GIF, Humboldt Foundation, EU-Marie-Curie Program
and Faculty promotion referee at US universities
Prof. Dr. Isa Zharekeshev, Al-Farabi Kazakh national university, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Research Area: Anderson Localization, visit 21.11.-20.12.2023
Prof. Dr. Keith Slevin, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Research Area: Anderson Localization, Visit 11.9.-1.10. 2023
Prof. Dr. Stephan Haas, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, Research Area: Superconductivity, Quantum Magnetism
PhD Students
M.Sc. Nnoli Kosisochukwu Pal, Modelling of Power Grids
Master Students
Bachelor Students
Dr Vincent Sacksteder, Royal Holloway, University of London, Rutgers University
Prof. Dr. Ki-Seok Kim Professor of Theoretical Physics Postech Pohang South Korea DFG Collaboration Program and DAAD-NRF Scholarship Research Area: Magnetism, Strong Correlations, Superconductivity
Dr. habil. Georges Bouzerar Directeur de Recherche CNRS, Grenoble, France
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Mucciolo, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA
Dr. Javad Vahedi, currently group member of Synthetic Quantum Systems group of Dr. habil Martin Gärttner, Heildelberg Univ.
Dr. Michael Conrath, Energy Consultant
Dr. Martin Rohden, Post Doc at USC Davis, USA, Wissenschaftlicher Berater bei VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
Dr. Akash Chakraborty, Associate Editor Springer Nature
Dr. Marcel Kossow, Consultant
Prof. Dr. Kelly Patton, Assistant Prof. of Physics and Astronomy at Georgia Southern University, USA
Dr Youcef Mohdeb PhD 2022 JUB with distinction Thermodynamics and Dynamics of Random Spin Chains with Long Range Interactions, Quantum Engineer at ColibrITD, Paris
Dr Daniel Jung PhD 2014 JUB Impact of Local Magnetic Moments on the Anderson Metal-Insulator Transition Research Fellow, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC), Petten, Netherlands
Prof. Dr Hyun Yong Lee PhD 2014 Postech Magnetic Properties of Disordered Electron Systems Prof. in Computational Many Body Physics, Korea University
Dr Aleksander Hinz PhD 2013, Hamburg University Thermoelectric Properties of Graphene
Dr habil. Paul Wenk, PhD 2011, Hamburg University, Itinerant Spin-Dynamics in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality, Permanent Academic Member AG Heuer, Univ. Münster
Dr Björn Vogt, PhD 2009, Hamburg University, Reduction of Quantum Fluctuations by Anisotropy Fields in Heisenberg Ferro- and Antiferromagnets, Klett-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany
Prof. Dr Riccardo Mazzarello PhD 2004 Hamburg University Prof., professore associato, Sapienza Università di Roma.
Thang Trinh: Energy price prediction for German market Using Machine learning and Deep Learning techniques
Berk Dikici: Electricity Price Forecasting using Autonomous Streaming Pipeline
Eno Ciraku: Analysis and Forecast of Frequency in Electrical Grids
Rohan Kumar: Stochastic Modelling and Forecasting of EPEX SPOT Prices using VAR and VEC Models
Didier Iyamuremye: Forecasting Day-Ahead Energy Prices
Nikitha Adidela: Comparison of Time series forecasting models on Austrian Energy market
Narendrakumar Hosamani: Analysis and Forecast of Control Power Demand in the German Power Grid
Any-Arlene Niyubahwe: Forecast of Phasor information in Grid- Connected Photovoltaics
B. Sc. Clara Elisabeth Buller, BSc Thesis (2023) Optimizing energy dispatch utilizing uncertainty information in probabilistic forecasts
B. Sc. Fahrudin Delić, BSc Thesis (2022) Numerical Analysis of Transient Dynamics and Propagation of Voltage Fluctuations in Power Transmission Grids
B.Sc. Justinas Zaliaduonis, BSc Thesis (2022) Forecasting of Power Grid Dynamics with Reservoir Computing
B. Sc. Sivanessha Kalithasan, BSc Thesis (2021) Jordan Wigner Transformation and Strong Disorder Renormalisation Group (SDRG) for disordered spins on a Cayley Tree
B. Sc Yu-Chih Liang BSc Thesis (2019) Analysis on the weighted Laplacian matrix of inhomogeneous power grids network, Physics Teacher in Taiwan
M Sc. Kiran Adikhari, BSc Theis (2018) Effect of External Fields on Majorana Zero Modes, PhD Student TU Munuch
MSc. Alexander Mchedlishvili, BSc Thesis (2018) The Effects of Wind Turbine Short-Term Power Fluctuations on the German Power Grid, PhD Student University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics
M.Sc. Avinash Niroula, BSc. Thesis (2017) Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Doped Semiconductors, Data Engineer Raisin Bank AG
M. Sc. Luiscarlos Torres Sanchez BSc Thesis (2016): Close-to-Steady-State Dynamics of Phase Perturbations in Transmission Grids. Energy Market Consultant KYOS
B. Sc. Sven Wasmus Bachelor Thesis (2016): Concurrence in Disordered Quantum Spin Chains
M. Sc. Samyak Tamrakar BSc Thesis (2015): Cascading Failure in Power Grids using Dynamic AC Flow Model, Data Engineer
M. Sc. Vincent Steininger BSc Thesis (2015): Thermoelectrics of p-n Junctions, PhD student, Hemlut Schmidt University Hamburg
M. Sc. Bogomil Paralchev, Bachelor Thesis (2014): Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Power Failures, Data Scientist
Dr Manish Jung Thapa, Bachelor Thesis (2014): Entanglement of Electron Spins in the Fermi Sea, Quantum Engineer, IQM Quantum Computers
B.Sc. Emmanuel Chigwedere, Bachelor Thesis (2013) Optimization of Thin-Film Thermoelectric Generators