Constructor Roadshow starts in Hungary
An international community, vibrant and diverse, rooted in academic excellence – the excellent university in Bremen Nord has started its international roadshow. Constructor group and University leadership, along with network partners, will travel to cities all around the world to acquire top talent. First stop? Budapest on March 7th.
The Roadshow is aimed at establishing new synergies with international universities, creating new opportunities with governmental scholarships in different countries, and promoting Constructor activities worldwide. Next stops include countries such as Kyrgyzstan, and South Africa.

The first stop in the Constructor Roadshow was Budapest, Hungary on March 7th. There, Constructor representatives met with officials of the Hungarian Ministry of Education to discuss a possible cooperation in the framework of the digitalization of higher and school education. Possible collaborations between Hungarian universities and Constructor University were discussed, as well as topics for Constructor group: education for IT professionals and software solutions to educate children with learning difficulties.
Further meetings took place in Budapest with Constructor alumni, and also a leading university in Hungary. One of the main topics in the pipeline is the Constructor Open Cup 2023. The Constructor Open Cup 2023 is an online programming contest which consists of 12-14 coding exercises. Following the competition, interviews will be conducted with the winners. The event practice round takes place March 23-29th where students can test out their skills before the final round on March 30th.
“Hungary is a country exhibiting great potential in young talent. With its history of innovation, broad range of IT professionals and top universities, it makes a great collaborative partner,” said University Provost Thomas Auf der Heyde, “and the Constructor Open Cup is also an exciting opportunity for Hungarian students to show off their talent and get the opportunity to study at Constructor University, one of the best universities in Germany.”
The competition can open the door for students to join a new bachelor program Data Science and Software Development designed together with the global leading tool provider for developers – JetBrains – along with the unique possibility of a fully-funded scholarship.
More information about the competition and scholarship opportunities:
Image 1: The Constructor Open Cup 2023 is a programming contest taking place at Constructor University on March 31st. Participants interested in studying at Constructor University are encouraged to take part (source: Constructor University).
Image 2: The first stop in the Constructor Roadshow was Budapest, Hungary on March 7th. There, Constructor representatives met with officials of the Hungarian Ministry of Education to discuss a possible cooperation in the framework of the digitalization of higher and school education (source: Jo Stolp from Pixabay).