Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management
Master of Science - Graduate program
MSc program

The Supply Chain Management (SCM) program at Constructor University educates and trains students to manage global logistics systems using data analytics, data engineering, and management skills. The curriculum emphasizes modern leadership and management competencies, as well as data-driven decision-making, change management and the ability to work in an intercultural environment. This program aims to provide students with the tools and insights needed to build and sustain high-performance and robust global logistics systems in a highly intercultural environment


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Interested in the program?
Career perspectives

Supply Chain Management combined with data analytics is a growing profession in high demand worldwide. The program prepares its participants to become decision-makers in an increasingly interconnected world.

SCM opens the door to a wide range of careers in Germany, Europe, and around the globe! The data analytics and engineering-oriented profile of the MSc Supply Chain Management graduates are of great interest to companies operating in national and international, medium and large-sized, trade and service as well as production industries. Graduates are exceptionally qualified for tasks in the fields of supply chain management, logistics, procurement, retail, process optimization, and beyond.

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Business people talking
Key facts
Program Start Date 2024:
last week of August (orientation week), first week of September (classes)
Application Deadlines 2024:
July 31st
€ 20,000 per academic year
2 years full-time
All students are considered for an academic achievement scholarship based on their school grade point average (GPA).
Financing Options:
Each admitted candidate will receive an individual financial package.
5 reasons

5 reasons why you should study Supply Chain Management (SCM) at Constructor University

  1. Gain a highly interdisciplinary education focusing on data analytics and data engineering to meet the challenges of supply chain digitalization.
  2. Develop both professional and soft skills for top employability in Germany and worldwide.
  3. Experience small class sizes, intense teacher-student interaction, and experience-based learning for successful program completion.
  4. Benefit from a global alumni network, access to top logistics companies in Germany, start-up incubators, and personalized academic and personal support.
  5. Study and live with students from over 120 nations and enhance your personal and intercultural skills.
International university in Europe (THE 2023)
private university in Germany (THE 2023)
Job success within a year (Alumni survey)
Student clubs, 1 campus
Study Program Chair
Professor of Logistics Engineering, Technologies, and Processes
Chair of the MSc Program Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Ready for your future?

The demand for leaders capable of dealing with challenges related to highly interconnected and digitalized supply chains will further increase in the future.
Constructor University’s program Supply Chain Management (SCM) aims to satisfy this demand through a holistic educational approach focusing on interdisciplinary and practical knowledge that prepares its students for the complex challenges facing both industry and logistics research. It does so by encompassing the initially mentioned core challenges in different ways and appropriately roots them into various modules of the curriculum.

What makes Constructor University SCM program so attractive is its strong focus on data analytics and data engineering. In an increasingly interconnected and digitalized world, a vast amount of data is gathered along supply chains that need to be processed, analyzed and made accessible to decision-makers. Specially tailored modules in data analytics and programming equip our students with these skills, which are in high demand across industries.

A highly interdisciplinary program: Admitting students from different disciplines from different prestigious universities worldwide, the program aligns students´ knowledge on SCM in the first semester and builds on this with specialist modules in the next semester. From the third semester, independent research and application becomes more prominent, which eventually results in preparing a master’s thesis on a challenging topic.

The program is application-oriented in its nature. This is reflected in the modules by aligning the contents with real-world issues, integrating practitioners from successful companies of various industries, collaborating with companies in terms of case studies, and field trips. With regard to content, the program focuses on companies´ needs in today’s world and takes into account external company structures. It explores supplier relationships as well as the management of relevant company networks.

Soft skills and personal competence development for best employability: Apart from professional qualifications, the development of social competence is necessary for a successful career in the field of SCM. Therefore, a core emphasis of the program is placed upon supporting the participants’ personal development in terms of soft skills and language skills. To account for the diversity in the student body and their tendency to work in Germany, we train students in (German) language proficiency and convey country-specific information to give them the best preparation for the national as well as the international job market.

Experience-based learning and intense student-teacher communication: The study program chair believes in the efficiency of experience-based learning. Hence, faculty, lecturers, and tutors intensively use case studies, business games and simulations as active teaching methods. Furthermore, students learn and work successfully in interdisciplinary and intercultural teams. Intensive communication and discussion between lecturers and participants are central elements of the program. The personal support of each student by an assigned Academic Advisor as well as regular meetings with the program chair fosters the successful completion of the program despite different learning rates and entry knowledge levels.

Study program structure

The Supply Chain Management curriculum is divided into four semesters and takes two years to complete. Each semester is composed of a mixture of core, research & discovery, math & methods, and career modules, leading to a master’s thesis that may be conducted in collaboration with an industry partner.

The first semester is a foundational semester in which students from different educational and cultural backgrounds get acquainted with general methods and knowledge about supply chain and logistics as well as data analytics, programming, language and soft skills that is essential for the further development of their studies. In the second semester, there is a strong focus on the different facets of supply chains, such as design, purchasing, distribution, etc. In the third semester, emphasis is put on introducing students to complex tasks in science and industry. Here, they can combine modules that best fit their abilities and interests. Students are expected to demonstrate their capabilities to self-organize the preparation of solutions for current theoretical and practical scientific problems of an industrial partner. During the fourth and final semester students work on their master’s thesis.

The modules are grouped into five areas as outlined in the Schematic Study Plan. In the third semester, students have to choose 3 mandatory elective modules (out of 4 modules in the core area).

The areas are:

  • Core Area: 45 CP
  • Research & Discovery Area: 15 CP
  • Math & Methods Area: 15 CP
  • Career Area: 15 CP
  • Master Thesis: 30 CP
SCM Study Scheme Fall 2024
Supply Chain Management Study program handbook Fall 2024
Supply Chain Management Study program handbook Fall 2023
Supply Chain Management Study program handbook Fall 2022
Supply Chain Management Study program handbook Fall 2021
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Better Quality Iana Domnina

Iana Domnina

Recruitment Counselor & Admissions Officer

Student Recruitment Master’s Degrees


Office: RLH, Room 291

WhatsApp: +49 172 3292745

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Call us or write us – we are happy to help you with your inquiry.

Graduate FAQ

For PhD Degrees please contact:

Dr. Svenja Frischholz

Head of academic advising services

Phone: +49 421 200 4338


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Teaching approach

The program’s educational approach is characterized by its strong practical relevance and high involvement of participants. Students are introduced to models, instruments, and methods that can be transferred to all fields related to logistics, supply chain management, and production. The study program chair believes in the efficiency of experience-based learning. Hence, faculty, lecturers and tutors intensively use case studies, business games and simulations as active teaching methods. Furthermore, students learn and work successfully in interdisciplinary and intercultural teams.

Intensive communication and discussion between lecturers and participants are central elements of the program. The personal support of each student by an assigned Academic Advisor as well as regular meetings with the program chair fosters the successful completion of the program despite different learning rates and entry knowledge levels.

Students and teacher
university students
Target group

The study program is aimed at students with an already completed first-degree, or equivalent training, in the disciplines of logistics, economics, engineering, or information technology, and for those who are particularly interested in this topic and can prove a special affinity for the topic and the desire for further Master-level practical training.

The master program expands upon the Bachelor program Industrial Engineering & Management of Constructor University. Here, it offers an immersion into the areas of supply chain and leadership from the base of intercultural competence.

Students & Alumni
Lina Diaconu
Looking back, I regard the master studies as an effective “simulation project” of the real work-life that comes after graduation.
Lina Diaconu
Jack Reedy
Small classes, lots of contact with teachers.
Jack Reedy
School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences

The study program Supply Chain Management is part of the School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences.

When considering the development of our modern global society, individuals are regarded as indivisible biological, psychological, and socially determined beings.

This area includes topics such as social cohesion, state systems, the preservation of social welfare, or the effects of regulatory systems on the individual, such as their impact on human rights. Diversity is thus regarded as a driving force behind development and progress.

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Constructor University Spring 2024
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Constructor University Students come from all over the world to live and learn at Constructor University. Our student body represents 110 nations. They form an ambitious campus community whose internationality is unprecedented in Europe. Constructor University’s green and tree-shaded 80-acre campus provides much more than buildings for teaching and research.

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