Transfer Student FAQ
Transfer Student FAQWe are happy you are interested in transferring to a bachelor’s program at Constructor University! The first steps are to apply to Constructor University here as an undergraduate transfer student. As part of the application process, you will need to complete this transfer credit application form and upload it to your application.
Once you are admitted to Constructor University, the Admission Team will send your university transcript(s), course catalogues and syllabi, and credit transfer application to Registrar Services for processing and review. Registrar Services and members of faculty will then conduct a review based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and determine how many credits Constructor University can accept. Our Admissions team will then notify you of the credits earned (of the 180 ECTS CP required for the bachelor’s) and start semester (of the 6) approximately 4-6 weeks after admission to the university.
If we have all required documents (credit transfer app, course syllabi, course catalogue), the credit transfer review process will take approximately 4-6 weeks. It will begin shortly after your admission to the university.
You can find the form here.
This will depend on your number of transferrable credits. If enough credits can be transferred, a placement in the 3rd semester might be possible. However, depending on the number of transferable credits, you might also be placed in a lower subject semester (e.g. 2nd semester).
Once you submit your credit transfer application form, it will take Registrar Services and faculty approximately 4-6 weeks to conduct your credit transfer review and generate your transfer credit offer.
After your transfer credit application has been reviewed by Registrar Services and Faculty, the Admissions team will let you know which credits are transferrable (approx. 4-6 weeks after submission of your application). Once you have accepted our Admission offer, the enrollment process will start. The previously approved credits will be transferred before your arrival on campus, so that you will be able to see your transferred credits in our campus management system - CampusNet - upon arrival.
Constructor University does not convert grades to the Constructor University grading scheme. Instead, the transferred modules will show up as “TC” (for transfer credit”).
It is important for our faculty to understand the content of your previous courses in order to determine how many ECTS CP can be awarded, so you will need to provide your past syllabi. You may be able to contact your former professors or university to request the syllabi.
You may be able to apply previously earned credits to a Constructor University mandatory elective “Choice Module” that you would take in your first or second semester of the first year. These could be courses from a different major offered at Constructor University. Additionally, interdisciplinary courses that deal with the global challenges of our time (called "Big Questions" at Constructor University), can possibly be transferred to the Big Questions module area. Please check the handbooks for a description of this module area.
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