constructor university

Bremen Study Award

Bremen Study Award
Submission deadline 01.06.2024.

The Society of Friends of the University of Bremen and the Constructor University (unifreunde) will award the following prizes in 2024:

  • Prizes for one dissertation and one Master's, Magister or state examination thesis each from the fields of natural sciences and engineering and social sciences and humanities at the University of Bremen.
  • Prizes for one dissertation and one master's thesis from the Constructor University.
  • A "Thematic Prize" for a dissertation from the University of Bremen or the Constructor University Bremen. 
    The topic in 2024 is "Interdisciplinarity". The selected work re-presents interdisciplinarity in a special way in terms of research question and methodology.
  • A special prize from Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG for a dissertation in the field of natural and engineering sciences at the University of Bremen.
Who can be proposed:

Candidates who have completed their thesis in full between 01.05.2023 and 30.04.2024.
For dissertations, the date of issue of the doctoral certificate applies. The colloquium may not have taken place more than three years ago at the time the certificate is issued. The date on which the doctoral certificate was issued must be documented. For Master's, Magister or state examination theses, the date of issue of the certificate applies.

The prize money

The prize for a dissertation is endowed with EUR 1,000. The prize for a Master's, Magister or state examination thesis is endowed with EUR 500.

The process
  • For the work of the Constructor University:

    For dissertations: Award proposals (self-nominations also possible) should be addressed to the responsible Dean. Only theses that have been completed with distinction will be considered. For more detailed information on the documents to be submitted, please refer to the information sheet. Please also find data protection information and declaration here.
    An ad hoc committee will make a selection and propose the awardee to the Provost of the Constructor University. The Provost forwards this proposal to "unifreunde". 

    For Master's theses: Award proposals are to be submitted by the thesis supervisors to the responsible Study Program Chairs (SPC). The study program chairs carry out a pre-selection and forward one prize proposal to the responsible Dean. An ad-hoc committee makes a selection and proposes the award winner to the Provost of the Constructor University. The Provost forwards this proposal to the "unifreunde".
  • Thematic prize (dissertation)
    Each faculty of the University of Bremen (faculties 1 - 12) can nominate a work. The theses and documents are submitted to Corinna Volkmann in Ref 12.

    At the Constructor University, the School of Science, the School of Computer Science and Engineering and the School of Business, Social and Decision Sciences can each submit a thesis and supporting documents to the Deans' Office. Only theses that have been completed with distinction will be considered.

    A joint committee consisting of members of the University of Bremen and Constructor University as well as the board of unifreunde will review the proposals and decide on the awarding of the prize.

    Candidates who are nominated for the "Thematic Prize" may not be nominated for the other prizes at the same time.

    The decision of the "unifreunde" is expected in September.
Information sheet
Data protection information and declaration